Will the Real CCIE Please Stand Up!

新聞來源:ITworld.com - Framingham,MA,USA / by Eman


May 29, 2009, 01:53 PM —  I was working at my job, you know as the CCIE Agent, and one day I was looking for CCIEs to present to Channel Partners in Africa and South Africa. I was working through my database when I received an email in response to an issue of the CCIE Flyer. The CCIE Manny Ego (not his real name) asked me to help introduce him to some of the Channel Partners I was providing candidates to. Then unbidden he sent me an email with attached images of various certifications. I looked through them and one particular one Manny sent me, drew my attention. This was a CCIE certificate.

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CCIE Routing & Switching 2009/10/18即將改版

新聞來源:The FINANCIAL 2009/05/06 下午2:18


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新聞來源:互聯網周刊 2009/05/05 下午4:42


台灣 富捷IT培訓 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



新聞來源:網路資訊 2009/04/24 下午3:19


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Ubuntu CEO:軟體只是獲取服務的工具

新聞來源:網路資訊 2009/04/23 下午3:48


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